Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Strangeness and the variation of Syrian family names:

I’ve kept this article so long and I still enjoy reading it…its funny and also so real, and I have no idea who wrote it.
The article Is in Arabic…I tried to translate it but it loses all its essence and all its real meaning.

so sorry for those who aren’t able to read it:

تشكيلات تثير الدهشة لالقاب العائلات في
سورياالمدن والمناطق والمهن والموقع الديني او الاجتماعي والطعام
والمأكولات والعاهات والدول تصلح ككنى لدى

تتنوع القاب وكنى العديد من العائلات في سوريا حسب ‏ ‏عدة
اعتبارات منها ما يتبع المهنة او اسماء المدن او البلدان التي قدمت منها ‏ ‏وخاصة
تلك التي استوطنت البلاد من مناطق ما وراء طوروس والفرات وبلاد فارس ‏ ‏والمناطق
الاسلامية المتاخمة لها.وهناك العديد من المفارقات والطرائف في بعض هذه الالقاب ومن
المعروف ان معظم ‏ ‏الالقاب في سوريا لايوضع لها كلمة ابن او ولد كما في الخليج
العربي او المغرب ‏ ‏العربي وهناك العديد من العائلات يذكرون باسماء ابائهم
واجدادهم فيقال محمد ‏ ‏الاحمد او احمد المحمد العثمان مثلا على اسم جده

ومن اهم الاعتبارات في لقب او كنية العائلة المدينة او البلدة او
القرية التي ‏ ‏جاء منها رب العائلة او ربة العائلة في حال وفاة الرجل
عائلات مثل الحموي ‏ ‏او الحموية والحمصي او الحمصية والحلبي
والشامي والشامية وطرابلسي وطرابلسية ‏ ‏وحوراني.

وهناك عائلات اخرى مثل بيروتي او تدمري وبغدادي وقدسي ومكي ومصري
والاستانبولي ‏ ‏والنابلسي وغيرها.

وجاءت بعض الالقاب والكنى من الصنعة والحرفة او المهنة التي كان
يعمل بها ‏ ‏اجداد العائلة مثل الصباغ والنحاس والسروجي نسبة الى صنع سرج الخيل
والدهان ‏ ‏والكلاس والعطار بائع الاعشاب والبخور والنجار والقزاز وقباقيبي نسبة
الى صانع ‏ ‏القبقاب الخشبي للحمام والحايك وسكاكيني والحلواني نسبة لصانع الحلويات
‏ ‏والطرابيشي والحمال واللحام وجميع هذه العائلات لا ترتبط بالقربى الا في تشابه ‏
‏العمل والمهنة فقط.

وارتبط اللقب او الكنية بالنسبة لبعض العائلات بالوظيفة الدينية
لدى المسلمين ‏ ‏والمسيحيين مثل الامام والخطيب والمؤذن والقاضي والمفتي والشيخ
والمطران والشماس ‏ ‏والقندلفت ومن العائلات ما يعود لتسلم وظيفة ادارية عالية في
العائلة مثل الباشا ‏ ‏وبيت الملك والوزير والبيك و الجابي والافندي
والكاتب والاغا.

ومن يستعرض القاب بعض العائلات يجد ان منها يتعلق بالطعام او
الماكولات ‏ ‏مثل بقدونس والسلق ومخلوطة وعدس ولبنية ومحشية وكوسا ونعنع ومخللاتي
وايضا بحاسة الذوق مثل الحلوو المر والمالح والحامض ومنها القاب ‏ ‏تتعلق بلون
البشرة والالوان مثل الاسمر والسمرة والاشقر والبني والاسود والازرق ‏ ‏والاحمر
ومنها القاب مستمدة من مواقع جغرافية مثل السهلي والجبلي والفراتي ‏ ‏والدجيلي نسبة
لنهر دجلة والشمالي والشرقي والساحلي والجزيري نسبة لمنطقة ‏ ‏الجزيرة.

وتعود بعض الكنى والالقاب الى عاهة جسدية في رب العائلة مثل
الاكتع والاعور ‏ ‏والحافي والبردان والاحدب والاعرج والاطرش وبدا الجيل الجديد
لمثل هذه العائلات ‏ ‏بتقديم طلبات الى محاكم الدولة لتغيير كناهم والقابهم على
الرغم ان القديمين لم ‏ ‏يكونوا مهتمين بذلك ولكن الجيل الجديد لاتعجبه مثل هذه
الالقاب.ومن العائلات ما يكنى باسم الدولة التي جاء منها وخاصة الاشخاص الذين كانوا
‏ ‏يأتون الى دمشق اثناء تجمع قافلة الحج الشامي التي ما زال المتقدمون في العمر ‏
‏يتذكرون مواكبها الاحتفالية الشعبية قبيل التوجه الى بيت الله الحرام.

وكان البعض منهم وبعد اداء فريضة الحج يستوطن في سوريا وخاصة في
دمشق ويتزوج ‏ ‏ويكون عائلة وتكنى باسم البلد الذي قدم منها رب العائلة مثل
الداغستاني والافغاني ‏ ‏والايراني والبخاري والشركسي والشيشاني.

ومن المفارقات والتناقضات التي تحصل مع الالقاب والكنى للعائلات
السورية ان ‏ ‏هناك اشخاصا بعكس القابهم مثلا عائلة القصير المنتشرة في المدن
السورية اغلب ‏ ‏افرادها من طوال القامة بينما بيت الطويل اغلب افرادها قصار القامة
وهناك اشخاص ‏ ‏من بيت الاشقر لونه غامق ويميل الى السواد بينما اشخاص كثر من بيت
الاسود وبيت ‏ ‏الزنجي الوانهم بيض وشعرهم اشقر.

ويرى بعض المهتمين في الالقاب والكنى ان هناك اسماء والقابا غريبة
ولطيفة مثل ‏ ‏دبرها وسكجها وبوز الجدي ودبس وزيت ولالا
وشراق اللبن ويقول هؤلاء انه ليس غريبا ‏ ‏في المستقبل ان نسمع
كنى تتعلق بالمهن الجديدة
يعني مو بعيدة بالمستقبل نلاقي بيت المدوناتي او البلوغتجي

Friday, April 21, 2006

I Got tagged too

Yep I was and by Sam…thanks for tagging me

Place an X by all the things you've done. This is for your entire life:

(X) Smoked a cigarette… I smoke socialy
( ) Drank so much you threw up.
( ) Crashed a friend's car….
(X) Stolen a car…yea my dad’s cuz he didn’t want me to drive back then
(X) Been in love.
(X) Been dumped.
( ) Shoplifted
(X) Quit your job
( ) Been in a fist fight
( ) Snuck out of your parent's house…
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
( ) Been arrested.
( ) Gone on a blind date
(X) Lied to a friend....did it for their best
(X) Skipped school…those where the best days of my life
( ) Seen someone die.
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico…but I want to
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost…lots of times
( ) Been on the opposite side of the country…uhh!!
( ) Swam in the ocean…
(X) Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep,
(X) Played cops and robbers… when I was a kid and I still love to play hide and Seek
(X) Recently colored your hair….i had all the colors u can imagin, but now its my natural color

(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't…hehe tell me about it
(X) Made prank phone calls…I loved to do it
( ) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Danced in the rain,
(X) Written a letter to Santa Claus,
( ) Been kissed under the mistletoe,
(X) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about,
(X) Blown bubble.
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach…I did but not on the beach
( ) Crashed a party
(X) Gone roller-skating
(X) Ice-skating…and I was never good always falled down

I tag Ihsan

Thursday, April 20, 2006

We apologize for the inconvenience

I got this e-mail today


We continually review all publishers according to our Terms andConditions
and program policies, and we reserve the right to disablepublishers or sites
that are not in compliance with our policies.

Due to current United States law, we are unable to work with publishersfrom
specific countries, including Syria.
Because of this restriction, your account has been closed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

The Google AdSense Team

Not that I was benefiting from the Google adsense, all what I have earned was in total 2.23$.
And i also added it for Beautifying my blog
...but is this part of the siege imposed on Syria????

Anywayz Thanks Google

oh yea and Thanks Ben

Saturday, April 15, 2006

A Farewell Letter

I think it’s been quite a few years since this letter was published. it’s one of the most inspiring letters I ever read written by one of the greatest brilliant Latin Americans authors and a Nobel Prize Laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez. he wrote this farewell letter after his cancer gotten worse I really do recommend reading it, because this short text is truly moving I my self shade a few tears after reading it:

If for a moment God were to forget that I
am a rag doll and granted me a piece of life, I probably wouldn't say everything
that I think; rather, I would think about everything that I say. I would value
things, not for their worth but for what they mean. I would sleep less, dream
more, understanding that for each minute we close our eyes, we lose sixty seconds
of light. I would walk when others hold back, I would wake when others sleep,
I would listen when others talk. And how I would enjoy a good chocolate
ice cream! If God were to give me a piece of life, I would dress simply,
throw myself face first into the sun, baring not only my body but also my
soul. My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hate on ice, and wait for the sun
to show. Over the stars I would paint with a Van Gogh dream a Benedetti poem, and
a Serrat song would be the serenade I'd offer to the moon. I would water roses with
my tears, to feel the pain of their thorns and the red kiss of their petals... My
God, if I had a piece of life... I wouldn't let a single day pass without telling
the people I love that I love them. I would convince each woman and each man that
they are my favorites, and I would live in love with love. I would show men how
very wrong they are to think that they cease to be in love when they grow old,
not knowing that they grow old when they cease to be in love! To a child I shall
give wings, but I shall let him learn to fly on his own. I would teach the old
that death does not come with old age, but with forgetting .So much have I learned
from you, oh men ... I have learned that everyone wants to live at the top of the
mountain, without knowing that real happiness is in how it is scaled.I have
learned that when a new born child first squeezes his father's finger in his tiny
fist, he has him trapped forever. I have learned that a man has the right to look
down on another only when he has to help the other get to his feet.From you I
have learned so many things, but in truth they won't be of much use, for when I
keep them within this suitcase, unhappily shall I be dying.



The text Called “ la Marioneta” made its rounds of the internet, as well as several Latin American newspaper Attributed to Garcia Marquez and believed to be a “ Farewell letter” to his friends. It was uncovered to really be the work of a ventriloquist named Johnny Welch, while Gabo is indeed suffering from lymphatic cancer this “ farewell letter” is merely a hoax.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Back to Reality...

Eh my time in Romania was over and had to go back to reality
I must say bitter reality…yes it will sound weird coming out of me
But it’s the truth, I sensed the air of my country right there at Bucharest airport
My flight was so early in the morning so I had to be at the airport around 2 AM
And since it was so early, no other flights were at that time except for the Syrian air.
Meanwhile Syrian people were gathering at the balance for weighting their luggage’s
pushing and shouting like the plane is going to fly with out them, some family with 3 persons had luggage that weighted over 160 kg knowing that their limit of belongings is 65 kg, so what! they happen to be some relatives of the guy in charge there and got all their 160kg on the plane !! At the check point there’s this yellow line which you stand at for your turn…eh in vain was that line there! my dear people were racing who will get there the 1st …when the officer working there said please one by one and wait your turn at the yellow line!!! Why couldn’t we be discipline?? Why can’t we wait in turns?? Furthermore at the boarding again the same pushing and racing to be the 1st.
Men wouldn’t let women pass before them, not even women with babies!!!
At the check point at Damascus Airport the officers talking in a so rude and arrogant manner. where’s The “ good morning Ma’am” the “ welcome back” the “have a pleasant flight” the “ thank you”.
Its really hurting when you see other countries so refined and people so good behaving
Why? Why can’t we be civilized ??

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Law of existence

It passed a few years since our first encounter …and my heart beats count them as a few minutes… felt the words you shared with me…your smile all over your face I can not forget, clear as the blue sea
when we talked the world seem so empty like there’s no other but our heart beats flying on the wings of white doves…carried by spring breeze

you told me About the law of existence that is so unbreakable , and I assured you that it exists to be broke

we grew apart…and wished that I could see you a few times again or at least once …I cried for patience … but the only respond was its better of you.
So you’ve been transformed into a nice shade all around me all mine and I all yours…but I wasn’t swayed.

Life Luck and Destiny played their roles so well…new encounters were between us…almost inseparable…I bet you we broke the law of existence that was made by human foolishness

You aspired for my bet to win…

You felt for another…and you haven’t recognize my jealousy among women…my heart didn’t soften with forgiveness …you became a challenge for my ego that was so into you.

You hurt me tortured me wound me, I hurt you tortured you wound you
We tormented everything that surrounded us…

We grew apart forever this time… the law of existence was imposed so hard on us…Sorry you were the victim of my nonchalance

I can not forget you or even distract my self from you
Only have to wait and find you in someone else resembling you
Or maybe not…maybe find you in another life ruled by no laws

Painting by Mamta.B Herland